Rich, golden color with dark amber and orange hues and a touch
IICRC Certified Cleaner
Ryan Campbell
Rich, golden color with dark amber and orange hues and a touch of chill
haze that clears as the beer warms. Carbonation is quite active, with
abnormally large bubbles frothing into a thick white foam head that piles
high, sticks and leaves a healthy lacing. Steely and mineral in the nose,
soft and powdery, with a dusting of herbal and malty-sweet suggestions.
Very smooth on the palate; even and medium-bodied. Malty with bready and
biscuity notes running through a light and toasty sweetness. An aggressive
alcohol cuts through with spice and a burn, prickling the palate. Distinct
herbal hops characters meet the alcohol spice and meld well. Faint taste
of ripe stone fruit beneath. Toasty finish, slightly drying, powdery dash
of spices.