The beer pours a hazy amber with red and brown hues
IICRC Certified Cleaner
Ryan Campbell
The beer pours a hazy amber with red and brown hues, and yields large carbonation
bubbles and a thick, tight, foamy head with some stick and retention.
Citric aroma, grassy, with hints of lime and a soft, pale malt beneath.
Fairly smooth and creamy on the palate, but a bit lackluster with a light
carbonation scrub and watery yet even consistency. The hops come in first:
a thin, rind-like citric flavor with a faintly perceived saltiness, light
herbal notes and a bitter, grassy bite. Malt character and sweetness is
pretty bland, with a weak toasty note as the highlight. Finish is drying,
with a lingering hop character and sourness that just doesn't seem right.